HubThreads: Celebrating Boston Street Style

Meet Mia.

Photo by Diana Levine

Critics say this city has no style. We’re here to prove them wrong. Welcome to HubThreads, where we chat with the most stylish people we find out and about in Boston. Think you or someone you know has the best street style? Let us know.


You were my intern for one glorious semester. What’re you doing now? I’m the Junior Copywriter in the social department at Rue La La. So part of my job is writing all the Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook captions, the other part is writing some of the witty copy you see when you’re shopping online. It’s really such an exciting and creative job.

That sounds great! How would you describe your style? Oh jeez… This question always stresses me out. My day-to-day aesthetic is pretty inconsistent, but I always have a sort of feminine touch mixed with something darker. My style depends on my mood, though. Every morning I dress to how I’m feeling that day, so some days I’ll be in combat boots, ripped jeans, and a leather jacket, and then other days I’ll wear a sundress and espadrilles. I’m not big on accessories or anything that requires too much work, so my closet is mostly simple, practical investment pieces, and everything is basically black or some other neutral. I really dress to whatever makes me feel the most confident. I think that’s what’s most important. Personal style isn’t about fitting into some aesthetic or style tribe—it’s about creating your own brand—a style unique to you. So I guess I would describe my style as very me? Haha.

Does anyone else influence your style though? Yes. I love the iconic simplicity of James Dean’s blue jeans, white shirt, & leather jacket. I dress like that 80 percent of the time. I end up looking more like Jessica Jones than James Dean, though. I’ve also always enjoyed super effortlessly sexy styles, like Michelle Pfeiffer’s silk slip gowns in Scarface or Jane Birkin‘s casual and cool wardrobe. I love any style that says “I just threw this on, but don’t I look so cool?”

Where are your favorite places to shop in Boston? In Boston, I’m a big thrifter. I can’t give all of my hidden gems away! But I do recommend Urban Renewals in Allston. Also, I’m a big Reformation girl and a store just opened on Newbury Street, so I’m probably going to need to a take a second job. Ha!

What’s the latest piece of apparel that you bought? Ah! I just bought this ivory tube tank from Orseund Iris. It’s a New York-based company most popularly known for their shirts with exposed bra-cup detailing. I’m a big fan of how this brand is reinventing and reclaiming underwire. It’s rebellious and liberating. I also love how polarizing and political it can be, too. I always get in interesting conversations with people when I wear my top.

What’s your favorite thing in your closet right now? These black combat boots that I bought at an All Saints in London. In fact, I love them so much I have two pairs. My first pair I wore everyday for four months while traveling around Europe in rain, mud, and snow. When I came back to the U.S., I saw they were a little worn and decided to buy a second pair so I never have to be without them. My motto is: When you find something you truly love, stock up.

Who’s your favorite Boston Magazine editor? Hahaha. I’d have to say Toan.

Rude. Anything else you want to share? I attended Emerson College where I majored i journalism and minored in publishing. While there, my journalistic focus was on environmental and fashion reporting, a strange mix, I know. But, it resulted in me learning a lot about the fashion industry and issues of sustainability and ethical and eco-friendly manufacturing. So for my last semester, I studied abroad at the University of the Arts London, London College of Fashion. And it was, for lack of a better word, amazing. I went to London Fashion Week and got to report on this powerhouse industry that I’m enamored with. It was the best time of my life, for sure. I’ll definitely move back there eventually.