Mass General Cancer Center, Division of Surgical Oncology

The fundamental values of the Division of Surgical Oncology team at Mass General Hospital Cancer Center are ensuring the best patient experience and achieving the best outcomes on a consistent basis. Division Chief Dr. Kenneth Tanabe explains key factors behind their success.

Why a multi-disciplinary approach works
We see our patients side by side with colleagues in medical oncology, radiation oncology, and other relevant specialties. Each physician at the Mass General Cancer Center brings a different expertise, and the opportunity to reflect ideas off of each other enhances the depths of analysis. Collectively, we come up with a better set of treatment recommendations, case after case—and for patients, it’s more convenient to see all the providers in a single visit.

Specialty techniques that distinguish us from the others
We perform hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for selected patients with cancer nodules spread throughout their abdominal cavity. We’ve been one of the country’s leaders in developing and promoting nipple-sparing mastectomies. The cosmetic outcome is extraordinary, patient satisfaction is higher, and it is less costly than traditional reconstruction approaches. We also perform minimally invasive surgery including laparoscopic liver resections and minimally invasive lymph node resections.

How a collaborative team treats problems
Patients often come to us after they’ve been told elsewhere that there was nothing else that could be done. Having a multi-disciplinary philosophy and an ability to draw in experts from a broad array of disciplines to our outstanding general hospital, frequently makes the difference for patients.

Mass General Cancer Center, Division of Surgical Oncology
55 Fruit Street,
Yawkey Building
Boston, MA 02114

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