Cambridge Waves the Flag

1195655054Last week, we wrote about the Cambridge election commission’s removal of Boy Scout donation boxes from primary polling places after complaints they implied a pro-war stance. Since then, people from around the country have left us comments about the decision. On Friday, the head of the election commission tried to clear the air, but continued to look like the Grinch Who Hates Troops. Finally, Cambridge’s City Council is putting the breaks on the acrimony.

The Cambridge Chronicle reports that the council voted to allow donation boxes at various locations around the city.

The council voted Monday night to allow the Scouts to place their donation boxes in city-owned buildings around the city, including all of the fire stations, the police headquarters, City Hall and the City Hall annex.

“This is going to have a really tangible impact,” City Councilor Brian Murphy said.

There will certainly be more foot traffic in those areas than at polling places during an off-year election, so hopefully the Boy Scouts can get a great care package to the troops. We still like the idea of checking with the Secretary of State to find a way to put donation boxes at polling places during the February 5 primary, but this is a fine start.

And, to those who left comments about how evil Cambridge is, city officials would like you to know they’re hurt.

Vice Mayor Tim Toomey, who had assumed the role of the council’s spokesperson in the initial aftermath of the situation, said he was offended at the allegation that Cambridge is somehow against those serving in the American military.

“Some of the comments we’ve heard about the city of Cambridge from around the country have been very hateful,” Toomey said. “I find it very offensive.

“This is the only city that gives its service men and women full pay while they’re fighting overseas,” he added, referring to the city’s recent decision to pay city employees actively enlisted in the armed forces at their full-time rates, including benefits, while they’re stationed overseas.

See, America? It’s not all Karl Marx readings and gay marriage in Cambridge. It can do flag-waving patriotism with the best of ’em.