Cambridge Is America’s Worst Best Walking City

Due to high gas prices and a dearth of parking, those of us who live in Cambridge generally walk to our destination. As experienced Cantabridgian pedestrians, we were surprised to hear that Prevention magazine is presenting the city with an award for being Best Walking City in America.

Cambridge, Massachusetts? Seriously?

The magazine used several criteria for its ranking, including the number of people who commute by walking, the crime rate, and the cleanliness of the air.

But we doubt they actually visited our part of Cambridge, because it’s kind of a mess. This spring, a pedestrian was killed in Central Square, which made us reevaluate the endless battle between pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars on Mass. Ave.

While it’s probably not as bad as Oklahoma City, which got the dubious distinction of being America’s worst walking city, we’re pretty sure OKC pedestrians don’t have anything that equates with trying to cross Mass. Ave during rush hour.

Death Before Yielding