John Kerry: Self-Help Author?

1222178547As you may have heard, John Kerry has gone from an epic struggle to control the highest office in the land to actually having to campaign for a senate seat that was once considered a lock. The transition hasn’t been a smooth one, with the junior senator having his share of bad days on the stump.

Today’s Globe suggests that Kerry should take a cue from the losers who came before him and throw himself into a cause that gets him out of bed in the morning. The senator maintains his position in Washington is enough to keep him going, but we’ve got an idea for a side project.

The Presidential Loser’s Guide to Recovering from Loss by John F. Kerry. It’s a guaranteed best-seller!

Everybody loves a good self-help book, especially one with a quirky twist. Who better to tell an everyday American how to bounce back from a devastating loss than a man who lost the presidency by 118,000 votes?

Here’s the basic plan of action, developed by other former presidential hopefuls who didn’t get to the White House:

First comes the shock of losing, not only the election but the multiple layers of people and activity that surrounded you. Second comes the despair over what to do next. Then comes motivation, a step where inspiration hits and a singular focus begins to remove some of the pain.

We can just imagine the praise from the past nominees that will make the dust jacket.

Without the plan laid out in John Kerry’s The Presidential Loser’s Guide to Recovering from Loss, I never would have shaved my beard and made the Academy Award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Whether you got passed over for a promotion or lost control of the free world to a bumbling Texan, this book is for you!—Al Gore

If you need any help drafting a book proposal, Senator, you know where to reach us.

How to Make a Senator Sweat

Photo from John Kerry’s senate page