Scott Brown MIA from LGBT 'It Gets Better' Video

Eleven members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation just released an It Gets Better video, encouraging local youth to seek out the Boston Area Gay and Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Youth organization (BAGLY) if they’re being bullied over their sexual orientation. Only something … someone … is missing from the video. According to the Huffington Post, Senator Scott Brown was invited to participate, but he declined.

“Scott Brown has a strong record at the state and federal level against bullying and believes that all people regardless of sexual orientation should be treated with dignity and respect,” said Brown spokesman Colin Reed when asked whether the senator had been asked to appear in the video. “His main focus right now is on creating jobs and getting our economy back on track.”

This is disappointing. Scott Brown’s track record on gay rights isn’t particularly laudable, but his move to support the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell made it seem that he might be making strides toward a more moderate position on gay issues. But going on the record to support LGBT youth may be one step further than he’s willing to go. And that’s a shame.