The Nerd: A Kinky Animal?

Can geeks and nerds be hot in the sack? If the Nerdy Cabaret in super-smart Cambridge is any indication, then the answer is a resounding “yes”.

But first, what are geeks and nerds, exactly? The terms are often defined similarly, with geeks being touted as more eccentric, and nerds as more boring. Both stereotypes share a single-minded expertise in a particular subject and a rumored lack of social skills. Also, though the terms were once entirely derogatory, they are now being reclaimed with “geek pride.” In fact, it is no longer assumed that if you’re a geek or nerd you aren’t very sexual, and as a sex nerd myself, I’m pleased about that. Those responsible for this change in attitudes include Joss Whedon, whose nerdy characters such as Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Fred from Angel, develop emotionally, tackle darkness (including their own), are powerful, magical, and have passionate sex.

This month, writer Teresa Jusino goes even further in the China Shop article “Geeks and Sex and Kink, Oh My!” She and her interviewees discuss why geeks are often kinksters themselves or are accepting of kink. (Jusino rightly acknowledges “kink” can range from light play, such as spanking, to much heavier fare). Geeks’ passion for and involvement in sub-cultures and fantasy, along with their dare to be different, can make them exploratory lovers who happily talk about their preferences. Jusino’s article mentions Wonder Woman and Star Trek, which have boasted a big geek/nerd following, and suggests that these programs tend toward the sexually kinky, regardless of whether they were intended as such. Indeed, a nerdish love of superheroes perhaps reveals an appreciation of exotic and physical power. (Check out this recent event in Lowell; the photos speak for themselves). Plus kink and tech knowhow go hand in hand — if you’re enjoying red-hot porn on the Internet, you probably have a computer nerd somewhere to thank.

Of course, the “nerdy” among us can have a tough time because of society’s cruelties. Idalia, who co-hosts Spectra Events’ Nerdy Cabaret along with Spectra herself, says that she was teased when she was young — a common problem for many who have been labeled as nerds. Says Idalia: “The Nerdy Cabaret rebirths me as the sexy, smart-ass, too-fly-to-give-a-damn superhero I often wished I could magically morph into whenever I was teased.” The Cabaret reclaims the term “nerd” by showcasing sexy performances, such as erotic readings and hot-to-trot burlesque, not to mention enthusiastically “nerdy” attendees who arrive sizzlingly dressed. But at the heart of the show is Spectra and Idalia’s flirty banter. With topics ranging from pick-up lines to gender roles, this is a sexy, nerdy back-and-forth the audience adores. Look out for the next Nerdy Cabaret, which will take place at Central Square’s Middle East on October 18.

So yes, those of us who are geeks and nerds can definitely be hot in the sack, especially in Massachusetts where we love both intelligence and passion — and aren’t ashamed to own it.