How to Know When You're at the Wrong Super Bowl Party
How to Know When You’re at the Wrong Super Bowl Party. So a new Patriots-themed episode of The Real Housewives of South Boston has reared its ugly head (that makes video numero three in the viral series), and, frankly, we’re a little put-off by all their begging and pleading to share the video with our friends. But we’re doing it anyway, and here’s why: If there’s any glimmer of wisdom we can cull from The Real Housewives of South Boston, it’s a crash course in knowing when you’re at the wrong Super Bowl party.
Ladies and gentlemen, if at any point on Super Bowl Sunday, you find yourself seated among fans who look like this:
like this:
or like this:
… you, regrettably, have found yourself at the wrong Super Bowl party. Trust. Us. Kindly get up, gather your belongings, and promptly remove yourself from the situation. [YouTube]