Leave It To State Minority Leaders to Make Stupid Friendly Wagers
Leave It To State Minority Leaders to Make Stupid Friendly Wagers. Yesterday we lauded Menino and Michael Bloomberg for showing some creativity with their friendly Super Bowl/Super Tour bet, but we spoke too soon when we assumed it meant there wouldn’t be any more lame-o bets between New York and New England leading up to the Super Bowl. We were wrong. Very unfortunately, we were very, very wrong. Massachusetts House minority leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and New York State Assembly minority leader Brian Kolb decided to get creative, make a few boring statements, issue a news release, and put on the table some Mike’s Pastry cannoli, Legal Sea Foods chowder, New York cheesecake, and wine from the Finger Lakes. Jones and Kolb, this INTENSE COLLECTIVE EYE ROLL is for you. [Patch]