Here's Your Chance to Take a Bite Out of Gisele
In Boston history, Gisele Bundchen’s post Super Bowl comment could be called the shot heard ’round the world.
After the Brazilian model complained after the Patriot’s loss that her husband Tom Brady “Can’t f…ing throw the football and catch it at the same time,” sports fans and the media went into full attack. Headlines screamed that she was the Yoko Ono of football.
Even though her words were true, I thought, why would she publicly rub salt in the wound of the entire team? I also recalled interviewing her several years ago in Boston at a Victoria’s Secret promotion, and she couldn’t have been more down-to-earth and sweet. So maybe what Gisele really needs is a better PR rep.
One of Boston’s own PR gurus knew just what to do after her Super Bowl snafu. Chris Haynes, who runs CBH Communications, was tired of Gisele’s image and sought out one of his clients who felt the same way. And so, the Gisele Bund(t) cake was born:
The resemblance is striking. (Photos courtesy of Chris Haynes/Kickass Cupcakes.)
Created by Sara Ross, of Kickass Cupcakes in Davis Square, the confection is chocolate-based with a swirl of mocha frosting and a mini bundt cake on top. Ross says the secret ingredient is the Brazilian liquor Cachaca. It’s all topped off with some sugar candy “bling” and a roasted Brazil nut. Over the next few weeks, Ross is launching a Boston celebrity line-up that will pay tribute to Steven Tyler, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck.
The reaction so far? “[Customers] love it and think the whole idea is very funny,” says Ross.
But for now, whether you love her or hate her, for four bucks a pop, you can take a bite out of Gisele. They are sold at the Kickass Cupcakes shop in Somerville and on their truck at various stops throughout the city.
Gisele may find that her tasty homage may turn the tide in her favor. Ross sent cupcakes to the Bruins for every game last season, and we all know how that turned out. Though Mrs. Tom Brady may not win a championship, getting some good publicity may certainly sweeten her image.