Cambridge Considering NYC-Style Soda Ban

Cambridge Considers Banning Big Sodas in Restaurants. “In addition to being an obesity threat, soda is one of the contributing factors to an increasing rate in diabetes and heart disease amongst younger people,” said Cambridge Mayor Henrietta Davis, who proposed the idea at last night’s council meeting.  []

As SCOTUS Decides Health Care Mandate, Another Look at Massachusetts. “What we’ve seen in Massachusetts, and what the modeling has supported, is that we wouldn’t really be where we are today without an insurance mandate,” said Sarah Iselin, president of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts. “You can get closer to where we are, but you wouldn’t be all the way there.”  [Wonkblog]

Another Creative Use of Food as a Weapon. Wasabi is so last week.  [Fox]

So Now The MBTA’s Financial Woes Are Hurting Your Health. The financial troubles plaguing our public transit system are undermining healthy gains from hiking/biking trails, farmers markets, and more, according to a new report.  [Globe]

Tom Brady Singing ‘Call Me Maybe’? This Cannot Be True.