Elizabeth Warren Calls Out Mitt Romney for Libya Criticism

Elizabeth Warren Calls Out Mitt Romney for Libya Criticism. Looks like Warren had at least one M-word on her mind when she called Mitt Romney, who criticized Barack Obama for not tough talking his way through the attack on the American embassy in Libya. “I think that Gov. Romney was really out of line,” Warren said, adding that his comments are “… inappropriate, and I think they say more about Gov. Romney than they do about our country.”  [Herald]

63-Year-Old Cyclist Killed in Early Morning Crash. The unidentified man was killed after he was hit by a pickup truck on Morrissey Boulevard in Southie.  [Boston.com]

Drew Faust: Cheating Is Not Just An Athletics Problem. In her first interview since the largest cheating scandal in school history hit the headlines, Harvard president Drew Faust said athletes aren’t solely to blame. “It is not about one student group,” she said in an interview with the AP. “It’s not confined to any one student group.”  [AP]

Self-Described ‘Architecture Nerd’ Creates Boston in Sim City 4 Without a Map. It took everyone about six years to discover the gem that is Phil Boucher’s near-perfect recreation of Boston in the video game Sim City 4, but thank goodness for Reddit, which recently resurrected it. Boucher, who was a fresh Berklee drop-out at the time he built it, said he had to take a few liberties with buildings based on the confines of the game. Still, for a guy who built the city based on memory, it’s a job well done.  [WBUR]

Adios, Purple Shamrock. The Rock celebrated its final days with a traditional Irish wake (complete with an empty casket). Last call is Saturday.  [WHDH]