Dunkin Donuts Breakfast Sandwiches Now Featuring … Donuts
Canton-based Dunkin Donuts is apparently testing the most shamefully attractive looking fast food item to hit stores since the Doritos Locos Taco: bacon and eggs sandwiched between two halves of a glazed donut. Phantom Gourmet host Dan Andelman snapped a photo (below) of the latest creation to come out of Munchkinland at a Western Ave. location last week, and WZLX reports that it’s being tested in a few eastern Massachusetts locations. (Update: A Dunkin Donuts spokesperson wouldn’t offer us more specific store locations, adding that as of now, they don’t have plans to introduce it more widely. Leave a comment if you find a place selling it.)
Sure, your arteries may be crying out in protest at the mere thought of downing this thing. And maybe you find the mix of sweet donuts with hearty breakfast food off-putting. But this writer can tell you from having experienced a Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger at the Wisconsin State Fair (where else?), that sometimes the salty-sweet combo of a hearty sandwich on a donut bun actually kind of … works. Sorry, arteries. This is happening. Best to just accept it.