Watch the Trailer for a New Documentary on Mitt Romney
“I have looked, by the way, at what happens to anybody in this country who loses as the nominee of their party,” Mitt Romney says at one point in the newly released trailer for an upcoming Netflix documentary. “They become a loser for life.”
That probably won’t be the thesis of “Mitt,” the film that results from Oscar-winning documentarian Greg Whiteley’s seven years following the Romney family with a camera. Whiteley is, after all, a family friend who spent years with close access to the candidate. Even the short trailer is arresting in the alternative picture of Romney it portrays. The footage shows the dry humor that Mitt’s family members always insisted was there, even if it didn’t come through in public appearances. There’s real (unrobotic) emotion as he learns he’s about to lose an election, and tries to remain upbeat. It also shows him demonstrating unvarnished shrewdness about his own flaws as a candidate.
“Whatever side you’re on, see another side,” this trailer urges its viewers. We have to imagine that the more level-headed among the former Governor’s detractors are going to be willing to do just that by giving this thing a watch when it hits Netflix January 24.