A Labor Super-PAC Is Running an Anti-Charlie Baker Ad

The first spot of the Governor's race comes during Democrats' debate over outside spending.

The recently formed National Association of Government Employees Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee has scheduled an ad attacking Charlie Baker, to run during the sixth inning of today’s Boston Red Sox game airing on NESN, I have learned.

I have not been able to obtain a copy of the ad, which will be the first television ad to run in the 2014 gubernatorial campaign.

[Update: The ad has now been posted to YouTube]

It is also the first major piece of outside spending by a so-called “Super PAC,” and comes just as the Democratic candidates are feuding over such outside spending.

Martha Coakley is disavowing the new ad, sending this statement in response to my inquiry:

As someone who has fought against Citizens United and was the first Attorney General to support a constitutional amendment to overturn it, I would hope that no SuperPAC spends unlimited secret money in Massachusetts, and that we follow the lead of Senator Warren in keeping them out of the race for Governor.  My feeling on this issue is the same regardless of who these SuperPAC’s support, and disavow these ads running against Charlie Baker. Unfortunately, both Charlie Baker and Steve Grossman refuse to disavow the SuperPac’s supporting them, but rather embrace their role and their potential for bringing unlimited secret donations into Massachusetts.
I have also asked the other Democratic candidates’ campaigns, and Baker’s, for response. Berwick’s spokesperson sent the following reply:
Don’s statement from yesterday is reflective of his feeling on this issue, and he will continue to work toward the adoption of a People’s Pledge. In any case, he is running a campaign based on his progressive values, and he isn’t shying away from tough issues like Medicare for All, single payer health care, and the eradication of child poverty and chronic homelessness in Massachusetts. Rather than bickering about which candidate most abhors Citizen’s United, let’s have a conversation about the issues that really matter, like rising levels of social and economic inequality.
I will update with other campaigns’ responses if and when I get them.
Update: From Joe Avellone:
I am against Super-PACs in this election because they are bad for the party and Massachusetts. It’s disappointing that Steve Grossman has created his own Super-PAC. Super-PACs serve special interests and do not speak for the people of Massachusetts and should not be allowed in this race.
Update: From Tim Buckley, spokesperson for Charlie Baker:
It is disappointing that the special interest machine that is desperate to protect one party rule in Massachusetts has decided to start slinging the sleaze already. It’s a clear sign that Charlie’s
positive and moderate vision for how to make Massachusetts great has them scared. We look forward to discussing how Charlie’s experience saving a health care company from bankruptcy and making it a national leader, make him best prepared to protect Massachusetts’ health care.