Boston Reacts to Paris Terrorist Attacks

The Hub shows support for the City of Light.

french consulate flowers

Flowers at the French Consulate in Boston. / Photo via AP

Boston residents are showing solidarity with Paris in the aftermath of a day of carnage across the French capital Friday night, when attacks at multiple locations left more than 120 people dead.

People around the world have reacted to show support for Paris, and Boston is no exception. Locals have left flowers at the consulate, hung up French flags, turned their lights to the colors of Tricolour, and offered French travelers places to stay if they are stranded in Boston—the country closed its borders Friday night after the attacks. Even Boston Marathon bombing victims are expressing solidarity with the victims of the attacks.

The French flag is going up at Boston City Hall Plaza:

The Lenox and Prudential set their colors to red, white, and blue to show support for Paris:

People looking to help Paris bound travelers stranded in Boston can use the hashtag #StrandedInUS:

And the Boston Athletic Association and others affected by the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing are reaching out to show their support for the people of Paris:

Pour les citoyens de Paris et de la France, nous sommes avec vous. Quelle tragédie. Quelles tristesse. Vous etes nos…

Posted by The Boston Marathon on Friday, November 13, 2015

I will never be able to see/hear the words “terrorist” or “terrorist attack” ever again without breaking down and…

Posted by Rebekah Gregory on Friday, November 13, 2015

Fucking fuck fuck terrorists. I’d love to do the whole peace will see through thing but when those of us who have been…

Posted by Adrianne Haslet-Davis on Friday, November 13, 2015


Vigil for Paris Will Take Place on the Common