Rob Gronkowksi Subtweets the NFL, Agrees League Is Unfairly Targeting Him

Photo via AP
Before leaving Sunday night’s 30-24 loss to the Denver Broncos with an injury to his right knee, New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski received his fifth offensive pass interference call this season, more than any other player in the NFL. This disproportionate number of flags led some fans and talking heads to believe the 6-foot-6 wrecking ball was being unfairly targeted by the league.
Take, for example, Jeff Howe of the Boston Herald, who in an interview with 98.5 The Sports Hub’s Toucher and Rich Tuesday morning argued as much. “There is no question about that. There is not even a debate, especially after that fourth quarter OPI called on Sunday. That closed the book on that debate; they are going after Rob Gronkowski,” he said.
When the radio station tweeted a link to the interview with Howe, Gronkowksi retweeted it from his personal account, simply captioned, “Agree.” As of Tuesday afternoon, Gronk’s tweet amassed more than 11,000 retweets.
— Rob Gronkowski (@RobGronkowski) December 1, 2015
This notion fits in nicely with this season’s us-versus-them revenge tour narrative. But despite any league meddling, whether perceived or otherwise, Gronkowski still has more touchdowns than any tight end currently enshrined in the Hall of Fame at the ripe, old age of 26.