Mass. Teen Given Probation After Sexually Assaulting Two Unconscious Women

His lawyer says he 'can now look forward to a productive life.'

After being charged with sexually assaulting two unconscious women at a party earlier this year, 18-year-old David Becker was brought to court on two counts of rape and one count of indecent assault. This week, the former East Longmeadow High School athlete received his sentence: two years of probation.

According to, he’s been instructed to remain drug- and alcohol-free and to stay away from the two victims. Instead of having to register as a sex offender, Becker will submit an evaluation for sex offender treatment. No conviction will appear on his record. Becker’s attorney, Thomas Rooke, saw Judge Thomas Estes’ decision as a victory, offering up quite a few reasons why it was necessary for Becker to get off scot-free.

“He can now look forward to a productive life without being burdened with the stigma of having to register as a sex offender,” said Rooke.

He said the goal of this sentence was to allow Becker to graduate high school and attend college.

“We all made mistakes when we were 17, 18, 19 years old, and we shouldn’t be branded for life with a felony offense and branded a sex offender,” Rooke said. “Putting this kid in jail for two years would have destroyed this kid’s life.”

According to court documents, Becker allegedly penetrated the two 18-year-old victims with his finger while they were unconscious. The two intoxicated women had fallen asleep after the house party, and woke up to Becker sexually assaulting them. reports that Becker texted the victims the following day to apologize. One victim responded, texting “don’t even worry about it.” She later told police she answered this way because “she did not know what else to say.”

The victim also alleged she heard Becker had assaulted other women in the past, earning him the nickname “David the Rapist.” Rooke told MassLive the nickname is an “unjust character assassination,” adding that he’s a three-sport athlete who’s racked up many hours of community service. Investigators did not turn up any evidence of other incidents involving Becker.

Rooke is seemingly proud to have saved Becker’s life from “one mistake at one moment on one night which was clouded with alcohol.”

Becker’s remarkably light sentence has drawn attention from Jezebel, the Cut, and of course, outraged citizens on social media. You can read the full story here.