Green Line Extension Delayed, Again, Until 2021

It's déjà vu all over again.

Green Line Photo By Olga Khvan

Photo by Olga Khvan

You’ll never believe this, but the Green Line Extension is delayed. Again. Until 2021.

The $2.3 billion project extending MBTA rail service into Somerville and Medford was originally slated to open two of its seven stations, Union Square and Washington Street, by 2017. The five other stops, meanwhile, would be completed by 2020.

Now, state transportation officials say the new stops won’t be completed until 2021, the Globe reports, while new contractors will be selected by the end 2017. And that’s assuming the project will receive the necessary cash from Cambridge and Somerville, the latter set to vote Thursday on whether to free up the funds.

Though the federal government pledged $1 billion back in 2014, the MBTA still must secure a federal grant, and shore up the outstanding $75 million budget shortfall. But who ever said laying 4.7 miles of track for the most heavily used light rail in the country would be easy?

The latest iteration of the long-stalled project will also see two stations renamed: Washington Street will become East Somerville, and Lowell Street rechristened (the much cooler-sounding) Magoun Square.