Ducklings Decked out in Patriots Gear at the Boston Public Garden

The Make Way for Ducklings statues were suited up in Pats' swag.

With the Patriots readying themselves to take on the Steelers at home in a few short days, Boston’s most famous ducklings certainly appear to be getting in the spirit of the playoffs. If you happened to be passing through the Public Garden this week, you might have noticed the iconic bronze Make Way for Ducklings statues decked out in Pats gear, with “Mrs Mallard” repping New England’s post-season slogan: “One More.”

The Patriots street team is to thank for the stunt, part of a campaign before this weekend’s game promoting Pats fandom and merch. The mother duck wore a scarf around her neck and a beanie atop her head, and the eight ducklings wore baby-sized Patriots jerseys (which, by the way, aren’t cheap!).

They weren’t the only ones to get dressed up for the occasion. Mascot Pat Patriot and a pair of cheerleaders were also seen snapping pictures with fans around Boston and in front of landmarks, and draping statues with Pats’ gear. “No statue was without a foam finger or scarf,” the team wrote on its website.

Some fans even scored tickets to Saturday’s match-up with the Texans, according to the team.

This is by far not the first time the iconic bronze ducks have been gussied up to mark an important sports milestone. Last year, the Pats suited up the ducks in those signature “do your job” T-shirts. In 2013, they wore Gronk gear, and were lovingly dubbed the “Gronklings.”

By the way, there is currently an exhibit at the MFA celebrating the statues, sculpted by Nancy Schön, and the illustrated children’s book by Robert McCloskey that inspired them. It runs through June.