A Woman in Saugus Had to Climb a Tree to Escape Coyotes

Photo via iStock.com/LeFlon
So an absolute nightmare scenario played out in Saugus on Tuesday, when a woman told police she was forced to climb a tree to avoid a pack of wild coyotes on an area trail.
The woman has not been identified, but according to a 911 call reported by NECN, she alerted a 911 dispatcher that she and her dog had been hiking in the Breakheart Reservation when she spotted the animals eying them from afar.
“Hi I’m in a – stuck in a tree at Breakheart Reservation in Saugus. There’s coyotes,” she can be heard saying in a recording of the call. “I have one dog, she’s a lab, she’s on the ground right in front of the tree. There’s coyotes there.”
The dispatcher helpfully advised her to “stay away from [the coyotes] as best you can,” and it appears the woman was able to do just that, as she was able to safely move to a location about a quarter mile away, according to reports, where she was met by the Saugus Fire Department. She also managed to get a picture of her pup, named Abby, who remained on the ground while the animals watched them from a distance.
Thankfully, no one was hurt. Officials are now reminding hikers to be alert while visiting the area, which is of course populated by creatures that are just minding their business but might just attack you and/or your dog under the right circumstances.
So, uh, how was your day?