Newt Gingrich to Gomez: ‘Here’s Some Money You Don’t Want’

Gingrich seems to understand that his brand doesn't much fit with the Gomez campaign.

Newt Gingrich has inserted himself and his opinions into Massachusetts politics, which is great news for those of us who remember just how fun Newt Gingrich can be. Nor does he disappoint. Gingrich seems to understand that his personal brand doesn’t have much to offer a campaign based on being a “new kind of Republican” and a Washington outsider, he just doesn’t understand it well enough to keep quiet.

The Boston Herald’s cover headline this morning, “Take the Money and Run from Me” gets at the central, trolling contradiction in Gingrich’s public comments about Republican Senate candidate Gabriel Gomez. Gingrich’s American Legacy PAC gave Gomez $5,000 and two cents of political advice:

“Getting support from someone like me is a two-edged sword,” Gingrich admitted, adding he is sure the Gomez campaign would “rather Markey get all the Washington money.”

Gingrich, at least, remains realistic about Gomez’s odds. “Gomez is clearly an underdog, mostly because the way the state is, but he’s an exciting underdog and in a country which is sick of Washington,” he told the Herald. “It’s pretty hard for Markey to say, ‘Send a new face to Washington.'” It’s kind of hard for a former Speaker of the House who’s remained in Washington ever since to coach us on sending a new face to Washington, too, but hey, at least Newt knows that.

Update: Newt is clearly feeling feisty this past week because he continues his troll-tour with a YouTube video trying to describe what many of us might commonly call a “cell phone.”
