Ask Me Anything #7: Catch-All
Some quick answers to other questions out there. “JasonLovesMAPoli” asks:
Where does Ben Downing go next? The young, ambitious Pol has been on the radar of Dems all over the state for years. I’ve heard whispers of regret from folks wishing he had run for the Senate special. Any chance he considers a run for gov, should Capuano not run? Maybe LG if another big cat gets in?
Ah, the Pittsfield pirate, the Chrome-Dome Wonder. He’s young, give him time. Unfortunately, I think he needs to get out of the state senate before he becomes too identified with Beacon Hill, but I don’t know where he can go. There’s no congressional seat for him any more, and I don’t see a statewide office available in 2014. Maybe he can join the next governor’s cabinet?
“Ben” asks:
What’s next for Mo Cowan?
“John Moncton” asks:
Are Barney Frank or John Olver getting back into politics?
No. Olver’s going to be very happy puttering around the house, and Frank will be happy making money speaking and consulting — he’d only go back into politics if it doesn’t involve campaigning, and that doesn’t come around very often.
Via email, “Richard” asks:
How badly has Gomez been hurt by his lack of political experience?
Pretty badly, but then again lack of political experience is what helps him, too. My question is whether he needs to spend less time literally running, which he seems to do a lot, and more time prepping to avoid utter disasters like that Globe interview with Stephanie Ebbert the other day. For instance, if properly prepped, Gomez would not confuse justices Alito and Roberts, because he would know that as a Republican running statewide in Massachusetts he should NEVER NEVER NEVER mention either of them.
“Charles” asks (via my personal blog):
Is there any chance for the GOP state-wide outside from the Governor’s office? In your mind what is the ideal platform, and candidate, for a successful GOP in Mass?
Yes! But rather than taking whoever is willing to run for an office, they need to convince serious business types to get off the sidelines and get in the game. And that will require, in part, somehow bridging the divide between the people who can fund GOP candidates and people who are willing to knock on doors for GOP candidates. But probably the best bet is to get someone, most likely Charlie Baker, elected governor and then have him—unlike Mitt Romney—use administration posts as launching pads for business-oriented talents, as William Weld once did with a young Charlie Baker.
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