North Reading Is the Safest City to Drive in Massachusetts

Photo via Wikimedia/Creative Commons
Driving in Massachusetts is no walk in the park, but apparently we have something to celebrate.
A new study from car insurance comparison company EverQuote made a couple of surprising discoveries. First, kudos to drivers in North Reading, for your town is the safest place drive in the state. Second, Massachusetts drivers on the whole are better than ones in New York.
By using data from their safe-driving app, EverDrive, EverQuote measured factors like phone use, braking, speeding, cornering, and acceleration. After some number crunching, drivers were given an overall score between 1 and 100. Then, the scores helped rank safe drivers in towns across the state.
North Reading clocked in with an average score of 81. Boston received the lowest score of all with a 70.
Overall, Massachusetts drivers ranked 7 percent safer than New York drivers. On a national scale, things don’t look as great. Massachusetts was placed as the 11th worst state to drive in the country. Trailing behind is New York at number 10.
EverQuote also found that in all of the trips analyzed in Massachusetts, 50 percent of drivers were speeding 10 miles per hour over the speed limit at some point. People also used their phones while driving on an average of once per trip.
We suppose when it comes to driving, Massachusetts is bad. But not that bad.