Tom Brady Says He’s Never Eaten a Strawberry

Photo via AP
Tom Brady will always be known as a four-time Super Bowl champion and one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play football. But his peculiar diet is threatening to become almost as notable.
In a wide-ranging conversation with New York magazine about how he’s spending his Deflategate suspension—napping “here and there” and shooting Uggs commercials with Jeff Bridges—the conversation naturally turned to Brady’s bizarre eating habits. Last season, we learned TB12 has never tried coffee. And now, we can add strawberries to the list. “I’ve never eaten a strawberry in my life. I have no desire to do that,” he says. He also took some time to ponder the importance of cheeseburgers, asking, “Do you need to eat a cheeseburger every day to realize that you love a cheeseburger?” You tell us, Tom.
Even if Brady had tried strawberries before, it’s unlikely they would be a staple of his diet now. In an interview with earlier this year, Brady’s personal chef revealed the quarterback doesn’t eat fruits—only electing to put a banana in his smoothie once in a while.
Despite his sorely denied taste buds, Brady has jumped into the food industry over the last several months. In May, he released a $200 cookbook, which features recipes 89 “seasonally inspired recipes,” including avocado ice cream and sweet potato gnocchi with escarole. TB12 vegan snacks hit the market this summer, with boxes of 12 packs costing $50.
When the Patriots drafted Brady 16 years ago, he approached owner Robert Kraft with a pizza box under his arm. He’s come a long way from those days, that’s for sure. And if you’ve ever wondered how many Uggs an Ugg salesman owns, New York has the answer for you: “I have a lot. More than you could ever imagine.”