MBTA Worker Caught on Tape Lying Face-Down on Yoga Mat in ‘Money Room’

MBTA security video captured an employee lying face-down on a yoga mat with her eyes closed in the so-called “money room,” where the transportation authority’s fare boxes are kept, while piles of loose cash sit on a nearby table.
The union worker was never investigated for the February 19 incident in the manager’s office, as it happened before the MBTA hired new, non-union employees to oversee the money room’s operations, the Herald reports.
This latest discovery comes as Gov. Charlie Baker continues his push to privatize the MBTA’s cash-counting operations, much to the chagrin of Carmen’s Union Local 589, which represents money room employees.
In July, a $50,000 audit performed by a Chicago firm revealed several security cameras and timed locks had been disabled, allowing for off-hours access to the money room. Between 500 and 1,000 copies of fare box keys were found strewn across the facility, and a “grill pit” and picnic table had been set up just outside one door without a working alarm.
“My initial reaction was, ‘I can’t believe that a government agency is doing this work,” security consultant Shellie Crandall told the Herald at the time.