The Anxious Bostonian’s Guide to Finally Getting Out of the Bubble

Going back to socializing with friends, working in an office, and traveling is going to be joyful, exhilarating, and life-affirming. After a year of isolation, it could also be really hard. Here are some tips for surviving and thriving in a post-pandemic city.

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Betsie Van der Meer/Getty Images

Vaccines May Be Here, But Getting Back to Regular Life Is Going to Take Some Time

After a full year of isolation and endless TV, books, and takeout, what is normal, anyway?

Photo by Alex Lau

What You Need to Know If You’re Commuting to Work Again

Whether you’re traveling by car or T, here’s what to expect and how to prepare if the farthest you’ve commuted recently is from your bed to your couch.

woman getting a vaccine

Photo by Luis Alvarez/Getty Images

The Complete Etiquette Guide: Vaccine Edition

In a world where some have gotten the jab and some haven’t, it’s important to remember: No one is immune to stupidity. Here’s what to do, and what not to do, when you’re in mixed company.

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It’s Okay to Grieve

Reverend Liz Walker, senior pastor at Roxbury Presbyterian Church and a former local news anchor, on the things we all carry more than a year into the pandemic.

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How to Cope with Long COVID

If you or a loved one recovered from COVID months ago and still aren’t feeling 100 percent, you’re not alone: Symptoms can linger in many patients for weeks or even months, and doctors are still trying to find out why.

woman hiding under pillows

Photo by Muriel de Seze/Getty Images

Quiz: Are You Ready to Rejoin Society?

Are you prepared to return to the social circuit, or do you need a little more time to warm up to the idea of hanging out with other humans again? Take this quiz to find out.

Read more about how to handle life post-pandemic with our ultimate guide to what’s next