Looking for a private school in Boston? Let us help. Boston magazine is proud to partner with the Association of Independent Schools of New England to bring our readers the annual Guide to Private Schools. Use this list to discover and select the best pre-school, middle school or high school in Boston for your child.

High Schools in Boston

Looking for a private high school in Boston? Let us help. Boston magazine is proud to partner with the Association of Independent Schools of New England to bring our readers the annual Guide to Private Schools. Use this list to discover and select the right private highschool school in Boston for your child.

Showing 10 - 20 of 153 results

Thayer Academy

Braintree745 Washington St., Braintree, Massachusetts, 02184781.843.3580

Thayer Academy — an independent coed day school in Braintree for grades 5-12 — is committed to ensuring that students are known, connected, and...

745 Washington St., Braintree, Massachusetts, 02184
781.843.3580Send Message
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Newton Country Day School

Newton785 Centre Street, Newton, MA, Newton, MA, 02458617-244-4246

Courage and Confidence. These words inspired Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat through the many challenges she faced in realizing her groundbreaking vision: to establish a...

785 Centre Street, Newton, MA, Newton, MA, 02458
617-244-4246Send Message
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Vermont Commons School

South Burlington75 Green Mountain Drive, South Burlington, Vermont, 05403802-865-8084

Founded in 1997, Vermont Commons School is a college preparatory day school for students in grades 6-12 in South Burlington, VT. We believe in...

75 Green Mountain Drive, South Burlington, Vermont, 05403
802-865-8084Send Message
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The Newman School

Boston247 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA, 02116804-839-3723

The Newman School, located on Marlborough Street in Boston's prestigious Back Bay, offers a unique educational experience in the heart of the city. Our...

247 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA, 02116
804-839-3723Send Message
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Bancroft School

Worcester110 Shore Drive, Worcester, MA, USA, Worcester, Massachusetts, 01605508-853-2640

Bancroft, an independent, coeducational, college-preparatory day school, prepares talented, well-qualified, and motivated college-bound students, PreKindergarten through Grade 12, to pursue and realize their academic,...

110 Shore Drive, Worcester, MA, USA, Worcester, Massachusetts, 01605
508-853-2640Send Message
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Boston College High School

Boston150 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts, 02125617-474-5010

Climate change. AI. Racial and economic inequality. Today’s most pressing issues will shape the lives of countless future generations. But so too will young...

150 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts, 02125
617-474-5010Send Message
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Fontbonne is a Catholic, all-girl, college prep high school and early college serving students in grades 7-12 throughout Greater Boston and the South Shore....

930 Brook Road, Milton, MA, 02186
617-696-3241Send Message
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Portsmouth Abbey School

Portsmouth285 Corys Lane, Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 02871401-643-1248

When you become a Raven at Portsmouth Abbey School, you join an exceptional community that celebrates your individuality and welcomes you in a way...

285 Corys Lane, Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 02871
401-643-1248Send Message
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St. Sebastian’s School

Needham1191 Greendale Ave, Needham, Massachusetts, 02492-4727781-247-0125

Offering the best of the Catholic and independent school traditions, St. Sebastian’s School serves 380 boys in grades seven through twelve in an inclusive...

1191 Greendale Ave, Needham, Massachusetts, 02492-4727
781-247-0125Send Message
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Tilton School

Tilton30 School Street, Tilton, New Hampshire, 03276603-286-4342

Tilton is an independent boarding and day school for all genders, serving grades 9 through post-graduate. Centrally located in the heart of New Hampshire’s...

30 School Street, Tilton, New Hampshire, 03276
603-286-4342Send Message
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