10 Catch-Alls for Every Type of Clutter
We’ve all got it—piles of mail that, well, pile right up. Stop stuffing things into paper Whole Foods bags and leaving them, forgotten, in the pantry. It’s time to get organized. Check out these 10 clutter solutions for something that is sure to fit your decor and your budget.
Kimono Rosette Wire Baskets from WayFair lend a modern, feminine flavor to a space plus, the open construction means you can find exactly what you need. For a minimalist approach, Ashwood Bins from Crate & Barrel offer sleek design in a neutral palette.
Alternately, woven baskets suggest a more traditional style and look especially elegant when arranged on a bookshelf. Pick a soft-sided bin when you need an extra-forgiving place to stuff everything from children’s toys to winter scarfs. A style with arrows, stripes, or chevron will add a pop of pattern.