The Clothes That Make the Woman

Photograph by Bob O’Connor
Daniela Corte understands busy women; after all, she’s one herself. With two school-age children and a bustling 1,200-square-foot design atelier on Newbury Street, she’s always on the move—and looking fabulous. Born in Argentina, Corte was raised around fashion (her father was a men’s designer in Buenos Aires), so it’s no surprise that she knew what she wanted to do at a young age: Corte trained in the family business for most of her life before graduating from the School of Fashion Design in Boston, eventually starting her own line in 2000.
Made from fabrics from all over the world, Corte’s collection is beautiful and understated in all the right ways. “I love to accentuate a woman’s curves in an elegant and timeless way. I always tell my customers that I want [my pieces] to be their go-to foolproof outfit,” Corte says. “I design for a powerful woman who embodies confidence, who is comfortable in her own skin, and who is not afraid to take a risk,” she says. Ahead, the designer shares her inspirations.

On File
What I’m Reading
“Divergent, by Veronica Roth. My daughter is reading this. I always like to read her books first to give the mommy seal of approval. I have to admit that I love this one!”
What I’m Wearing
“Bangs! And soft silk tops with leather-inset leggings. Gold bracelets, boots, and—of course—a great coat.”
What I’m Eating
“Clean, protein-rich dinners. I love grilling, so anything you can grill has my name on it. I pack lunch for me and my team when I’m starved for time, or I’ll treat myself to lunch with my mother or friends when I need to break up the day.”
What I’m Watching
“Everything from The Jetsons with my kids, How I Met Your Mother with my husband, to my guilty pleasure, Live with Kelly and Michael. I am Kelly Ripa obsessed!”
Where I’m Traveling
“The Aman Resorts. My goal is to stay in every single one.”