Here’s How Much Homes Cost in Salem Right Now

Photo by massmatt on Flickr/Creative Commons
Never want your history-filled visits to Salem to end? Neither do we. For those charmed by the quaint (and sometimes spooky) town of Salem, there’s good news for you.
A new report from real estate data firm NeighborhoodX examined home prices in Witch City, concluding they’re comparable to those in Boston’s most affordable neighborhood: Mattapan. On average, listing prices in Salem go for $208 per square foot. Mattapan, on the other hand, has an average of $201 per square foot, according to pricing data from September.
Overall, Salem prices for market-rate single-family homes and condos range from $208 per square foot to $142 per square foot. The most expensive and least expensive listings are both condos with single-family homes falling in the middle.
The cheapest properties in Salem—between $142 and $150 per square foot—are on par with prices in Dorchester and Mattapan, which look to be around $144 per square foot and $151 per square foot respectively. However, the most expensive property in Salem—a waterfront condo at $468 per square foot—costs about the same as the most expensive properties in West Roxbury and Roslindale.
Wondering how all of the prices line up? See for yourself below.