Inside the Private Collections of Three Local Art Collectors
Three local art aficionados offer a rare peek into their private collections, revealing why they buy, how they choose, and which pieces they’re currently obsessed with.

“I never considered buying Matisse,” the owner of this Boston condo says, referencing the fauvist pochoir (“stencil” in French) prints. “The colors drew me in.” In contrast, the Tolla Inbar bronze sculpture of a woman perched atop a tower of books, which is placed on a pedestal to elevate it further, spoke to the owner and her husband’s love of reading and the value they place on education. / Photo by Matthew Williams / Styling by Kate C. Sheppard/Anchor Artists
Down a Rabbit Hole

Art consultant Julie Mussafer stands beside Madera by Shane Snider. “The curve of wood [Snider] used was literally cut down from his backyard, then repurposed to create one of my favorite ladies,” the collector says. “That it mimics the live edge of the table was serendipitous.” / Photo by Matthew Williams / Styling by Kate C. Sheppard/Anchor Artists
A Family Affair

Seated in front of Jane by Los Angeles-based photographer Alex Prager, collector Gary Leopold says, “I got into [Prager’s] work pretty early, before she became hot.” / Photo by Matthew Williams / Styling by Kate C. Sheppard/Anchor Artists