Rebel Rebel Owner Lauren Friel Shares Her Favorite Things

Here, wine guru Lauren Friel shares her must-haves for the oenophile’s home.

Photo by Mona Miri

She pours only natural wines at her bar Rebel Rebel, and has curated unique lists for others as an in-demand consultant–from the all-Greek bottles served at Seaport hotspot Committee, to a lineup of exclusively woman-owned winemakers at NYC’s Dirt Candy. Here, wine guru Lauren Friel shares her must-haves for the oenophile’s home.

Athénaïs de Beru Bourgogne Blanc

“Athénaïs de Beru, like most winemakers in Chablis, lost much of her 2016 harvest to devastating hail. Her friend Julien Guillot sold her some grapes from his more southerly vineyards. This gorgeous chardonnay is a marriage of both—proof of the power of friendship.”

Available at the Wine Bottega, Boston.

Myrth Ceramics wine tumblers

“These gorgeous tumblers are handcrafted locally by some of my favorite people. They feel like a down-to-earth alternative to fussy glassware. Their size makes them easy to store, and as a bonus, they can double as a coffee mug in the morning.”

Available at

Splash Shield
Overseasoned “Smash the Garlic and the Patriarchy” tea towel

“I love the work that local culinary brand Overseasoned is doing to empower and strengthen the community of women in our industry. These tea towels are the perfect accessory when you’re popping a bottle of champagne to celebrate a new job, or any other patriarchy-smashing life event.”

Available at

Inquire Within card deck

“At a social gathering, introspection among friends can be a powerful source for strengthening bonds and building community. Each card in this deck asks you to consider your interior world, motivations, and desires. While it can provide paths to self-awareness, it’s also just a ton of fun.”

Available at HausWitch Home + Healing, Salem.

Pipette Magazine

“I love the narrative style of this visually stunning wine-centric journal, and the number of bylines from female voices always makes me smile.”

Available at

Truetap wine key

“These are durable, inexpensive, and come in a million colors. I always have at least four at the bottom of my purse, in case of wine-related emergencies.”

Available at Rebel Rebel.

Candy-Dish Filler
Big Picture Farm “caramellow” CBD goat-milk caramels

“I’m not a big sweets person, but I will take my sugar with a little extra kick of relaxation. I love unwinding after a night on the bar with a little vin santo and one of these. It’s a great way to end dinner parties, too.”

Available at In Season Food Shop, Somerville.

Photos by Mona Miri