Bagelsaurus Opens Solo Spot in Cambridge [Updated]

Bagelsaurus is leaving Cutty’s to open its own bagel shop. Artwork provided
UPDATED, October 23: Pretzel bagels are back! According to Bagelsaurus’ Instagram account, baker Mary Ting Hyatt has officially opened her bagel shop in Porter square. The shop will be open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
PREVIOUSLY: Fans of Cutty’s weekend “Bagelsaurus” program have reason to celebrate. Starting this fall, baker Mary Ting Hyatt will be opening her own shop in Cambridge in the recently vacated Rosie’s Bakery in Porter Square. Located at 1796 Massachusetts Avenue, Hyatt will be serving up to 10 types of bagels and schmears, house-made lox, fried egg breakfast sandwiches, coffee cake, and even a small lunch menu.
Hyatt, a Clear Flour Bread alum, began making her unique, artisanal bagels for Cutty’s last August, often drawing huge crowds that exceeded the limited, weekend-only supply. Each Bagelsaurus round is made from a slow-fermented, 30-year-old sourdough starter and dough Hyatt individually hand-mixes and -shapes. But in order to quadruple her daily production, Hyatt will be investing in some professional equipment and an experienced staff.
“Right now, I’m mixing out of a plastic bin at Cutty’s and maxing out at 70 bagels a batch,” Hyatt says. “So, I’m going to get a spiral mixer that will enable me to mix at least 300 bagels worth of dough. Ideally I’d like to make enough to continue to supply Cutty’s a couple of times a week. The people of Brookline have been so supportive and I really want to continue to have a presence over there.”
Projected to open on October 1, the 1,000-square-foot spot will be open daily from 7a.m. to 3p.m. and will have seating for up to 15 guests. After breakfast service, Bagelsaurus will offer five bagel sandwiches, cookies, and salads utilizing bagel croutons.
“Cambridge was always the ideal spot for me, so I was lucky to have found a space here with good daytime traffic,” Hyatt says. “I’ve lived in Cambridge for the past seven years and I truly love it over here. Because it is a university town, I always thought it would be supportive of a small local business. It always surprised me that an area with so many colleges didn’t have a cool bagel shop. I know for me, college was a time that I ate a lot of bagels. I still have fond memories of meeting my friends at Middlebury Bagel in Vermont.”
1796 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge; 857-285-6103 or