‘May the Fourth Be With You’ Events Around Boston
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SpaceNerds Cocktail Week
Nick Korn (Silvertone) and Sam Treadway’s (Backbar) third annual Space Nerds Cocktail Week was such a success that duo is now going national with their celebration of all things Star Wars. As Korn says, “for one whole week we can all drop the ‘cool kid act,'” which means that bars in Seattle, Portland, Kansas City, New York, Chicago, and of course, Boston, can help unleash a Death Star-esque blast of nerdiness with pun-laden cocktails like Boba Fernet, the Lando CalFizzian, and Looking for Love in Alderaan Places. Here in Boston, Space Nerds Cocktail Week will kick off with “SpaceBols” at Backbar, a movie screening (Spaceballs) and four-course cocktail menu featuring the spirits of Lucas Bols, maker of some of the world’s best gin and genever.
Last year 20 bars in the Boston area participated in Space Nerds Cocktail Week, so follow @getoffsite on Twitter for updates other nerdy happenings around town.
$40 per person, May 3 at 9 p.m., Backbar, 7 Sanborn Court, Somerville; 617-718-0249 or eventbrite.com.
Night Shift Brewing’s Shakespearean Celebration
Unconventional theater company, The Opposite of People, has teamed up with Night Shift Brewery to host a special reading of Ian Doescher’s “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope.” The book, a reimagining of George Lucas’s epic Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope as an Elizabethan play, will be recited in all its Shakespearean glory. Kick back with a full range of Night Shift beers and food from Munch Mobile Kitchen, as Han blasts Greedo…. in iambic pentameter. Costumes are highly encouraged for the evening.
Suggested $10 donation, May 4 at 7 p.m., 87 Santilli Hwy, Everett; 617-294-4233 or nightshiftbrewing.com.