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The Faces of Women-Led Businesses

City/Studio is proud to present its inaugural look at the leading female owned and/or operated businesses located in and around Boston and the faces that run them. These business leaders keep Boston at the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship, and are inspiring generations of women to come.

Click through the slideshow or peruse the list below to read a short interview with each of these rock stars.

Mariette Barsoum
Divine Design Center
617.443.0700 | divinedesigncenter.com

Melanie Cabral & Dr. Glenda Savitz O.D.
617.232.3303 | eyespot.com

Caryl Capeci
Hearts on Fire
1.877.PERFECT | heartsonfire.com

Cheryl Clarkson
Skinhealth, Inc.
617.267.7546 | skinhealthcenters.com

Jane Deery
PGR Media
617.502.8400 | pgrmedia.com

Elaine Dolley
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
617.331.0243 | elainedolley.com

Julie Erickson
Endurance Pilates and Yoga
617.982.3205 | endurancepilatesandyoga.com

Peggy Fogelman
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
617.566.1401 | gardnermuseum.org

Brianna Goodwin
Ver-Tex Shading Solutions
781.332.3030 | ver-tex.com

Lisa A. Greenberg
Lisa A. Greenberg, Attorney at Law
978.777.2040 | lisaagreenberg.com

Judy Habib
KHJ Brand Activation
617.241.8000 | khj.com

Karen M. Keane
Skinner, Inc.
617.350.5400 | skinnerinc.com

Kathy Kiely
The Ad Club
617.262.1100 | adclub.org

Jaclyn L. Kugell
Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP
617.523.6666 | morganbrown.com

Courtney Lavigne, DMD, FAGD
Courtney Lavigne Dentistry
508.358.2122 | courtneylavigne.com

Tiffany LeBlanc
LeBlanc Design
857.957.0911 | leblancdesign.com

Eva Mustafai & Michelle Lee
Salon Eva Michelle
617.262.8118 | salonevamichelle.com

Stephanie Noris
617.542.1040 | norbella.com

Susan Pravda
Foley & Lardner LLP
617.342.4000 | foley.com

Elena Price
Coldwell Banker
508.577.9128 | elenaprice.com

Dr. Irays Santamaria
Warshaurer & Santamaria
617.437.1520 | backbaybostondentist.com

Sonja Selami
The Law Offices of Sonja B. Selami, P.C.
781.705.6030 | selamilaw.com

Sarah Spillane
P.J. Spillane Company
617.389.6200 | pjspillane.com

Françoise Theise
Ligne Roset Boston
617.451.2212 | lignerosetusa.com

Donna Venegas
Venegas and Company
617.439.8800 | venegasandcompany.com

Patrice Vinci
Patrice Vinci Salon
617.267.1900 | patricevinci.com

Cristina Viselli
Viselli Salon
857.350.4856 | visellisalon.com