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How do you get people to get beyond the city limits to explore the Harbor Islands? A study in approaches: 1) You design a public […]
Ask anyone from the Philadelphia or southern New Jersey region what they long for most from home, and a few items usually pop up. First […]
Expanding the Convention Center and adding a Headquarters hotel are going to be heavy financial lifts for this area. We are talking about an initial […]
The one thing that annoys me most about green going mainstream is people’s mistaken belief that being eco-friendly means buying stuff — that somehow a […]
Facebook Gets the No-Go on Ending Winklevii Suit. The next step for Mark Zuckerberg’s former Harvard classmates is to file a request with the U.S. […]
Some years back, the architect and Lexington resident, Walter Pierce was quoted in the Boston Globe, describing Peacock Farm, a pioneering modernist neighborhood in Lexington […]
Some years back, the architect and Lexington resident, Walter Pierce was quoted in the Boston Globe, describing Peacock Farm, a pioneering modernist neighborhood in Lexington that […]
Renovations, like relationships, are a series of compromises—so it’s safe to say that Steve Naha and Vincenzo Scibelli are experts at meeting in the middle. […]
It’s not every day that designers get to mix bales of hay and molten metal. But when a couple in the western suburbs needed a barn […]
Every winter for the last decade, Bostonians Mark Garber and Vaughn Miller have driven to Vermont with skis strapped to their roof, carting duffel bags […]
The exterior is anonymous. Framed by an old metal fence and unchecked weeds, its nondescript brick walls reveal little, save for a faded mural of […]