Boston Globe

City Life

The Globe’s Office Space Is Super Hipster

A Sunday New York Times story highlighted the hip, creative ways The Boston Globe is using the extra office space freed up by decades of […]

City Life

Brian McGrory Is Your New Boston Globe Editor

Woah. After much speculation among Boston media nerds, today the paper announced that metro columnist Brian McGrory will be the next editor in chief of […]

City Life

Marty Baron Will 'Boston Globe-ify' the Washington Post

Paul Starobin, writing for The New Republic, says recently departed Globe editor Marty Baron could conduct a “Boston Globe-ization” of the Washington Post. Baron spoke to […]

City Life

The Real Quincy Code: Snarking on Globe Columns

Globe politics editor Glen Johnson’s analysis of Scott Campbell’s acquittal, and the “Quincy code” he lived by to achieve it, has elicited some snide commentary from […]

City Life

Read The Globe's Gripping Immigration Investigation

This is just a friendly suggestion to read the on-going Boston Globe series on the secrecy surrounding U.S. immigration enforcement. The first installment by reporter Maria Sacchetti ran Sunday, […]

City Life

Mitt Romney Will Never, Ever Be the Mayor of Boston

Post-election Mitt Romney, via Reddit Joanna Weiss’s Tuesday Globe column, “Mitt Romney for Mayor of Boston” suggests Mitt Romney might find his political comeback by […]

City Life

Our Highway Safety Chief Has A Horrible Driving Record

In Sheila Burgess, Massachusetts had a state highway safety chief so obviously unqualified for her job that it took only a day after publication of […]

City Life

Globe Editor Marty Baron Is Leaving for The Washington Post

The Boston Globe editor Marty Baron is leaving his job in January to become executive editor of The Washington Post, his paper reports. Baron will replace the […]

City Life

No One Reads the [Globe/Herald], Continued …

We wondered Wednesday how Boston’s dueling daily newspapers could report on the same day that their own readership was up while readership at their competitor’s […]

City Life

No One Reads The [Globe/Herald] Reports The [Herald/Globe]

We had to do a double-take at The Globe’s and The Herald’s dueling headlines about circulation figures today: The Herald: “Herald Sees Readership Spike” The […]

City Life

Good Thing The Globe Has Those Digital Subscribers

With the New York Times Co. selling off lots of its assets lately and The Globe experimenting with a new paywalled web site, there’s obviously […]

City Life

Herald and Globe Run the Same Stories with Different Gender Pronouns

In case you needed a quick window into the respective identities of Boston’s dueling daily newspapers, witness the subtle difference in the way they discuss […]

City Life

Is Boston Too Intellectual for Twitter?

Is Boston just too intellectual to bother with social media distractions like Twitter? The Globe‘s response to a recent study showing that Boston isn’t very […]

City Life

Boston's Front Pages Go Big on 9/11 Remembrance

The New York Times notes that September 11 ceremonies in New York and elsewhere are downsizing for the 11th anniversary of the tragedy, even as Boston’s […]

City Life

Are You Smarter About the U.S. Than a New Immigrant?

What about all those relatively rich people who passionately believe things that simply are not true here in the real world, should they be able to vote?