Boston Landmarks

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Landmark: Paul Rudolph’s Erich Lindemann Mental Health Center

Paul Rudolph’s Erich Lindemann Mental Health Center is an architectural marvel hidden in plain sight.

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Landmark: Motif No. 1 in Rockport

Motif No. 1 is painted with a broad brush.

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Landmark: Somerville’s Prospect Hill Tower

The castle-like construction still stands strong.

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Landmark: The Cutler Majestic Theatre

Where Beaux-Arts architecture takes center stage.

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A Glimpse of the Past at the Gibson House

The Gibson House, in the Back Bay, offers a perfectly preserved snapshot of Boston life in Victorian times.

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Boston Landmark: Flying Horses Carousel on Martha’s Vineyard

Beloved by generations of islanders and summer visitors, it’s the oldest platform carousel in the country.

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Boston Landmark: The Custom House Tower

More than 100 years after its completion, the city’s original skyscraper still stands tall in the Financial District.

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Boston Landmark: The Mapparium

Deep within the headquarters of the Christian Science Publishing Society, the Mapparium showcases a world forever trapped between the 20th century’s two great wars.