Governor Charlie Baker

City Life

The Republican Governors Association, Revealed

Yesterday, in posting about the National Republican Congressional Committee’s stealth anti-Tierney site, I mentioned that it could really backfire in Massachusetts, where the national Republican […]

City Life

Martha Coakley Rolls Right Along

Frank Phillips’s cover story in this week’s unfortunately named Globe Capital section is a diligent and well-executed analysis of what each of the Democratic and […]

City Life

Charlie Baker and the Border

Four years ago, Charlie Baker spent much of the last two months of the campaign bashing Deval Patrick on immigration issues. He was against Patrick’s […]

City Life

Insiders Increasingly See Martha Coakley Winning the Nomination

With two months left before the primary election, Massachusetts political insiders are slowly coming to believe that Martha Coakley will win the Democratic nomination for […]

City Life

Charlie Baker Goads Democrats on Hobby Lobby

Let us now take a moment to review the entire history of successful Republican statewide campaigns since the turn of the century. 2002: A successful […]

City Life

A Hit To Baker From a Fellow Weld/Cellucci Guy? [Updated]

It looks like Jeff McCormick is going to get a little help from his friends. On Tuesday, a new Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee (IE […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: Dems Who Are Losing the Money War

This chart shows the campaign balances as of June 15, for the Democratic candidates who will appear on the primary ballot for the open Governor, […]

City Life

Democrats’ Sound And Fury

For most Massachusetts voters, the main effect of this weekend’s Democratic state convention is that over the next three months they will eventually come to […]

City Life

Herald and Globe Polls Skew Similarly

The Boston Globe released a new poll on Friday, with its new polling partner SocialSphere, and the Boston Herald released one Monday, with its partner […]

City Life

Martha Coakley Takes a Calculated Risk

Martha Coakley filed to accept public funding under the state’s system, which took a lot of people in and around the gubernatorial campaigns by surprise, […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: The State Party Coffers

The Massachusetts Republican Party has been dramatically outraising and outspending its Democratic counterpart in 2014, giving it a head start on the state election campaigns—but […]

City Life

Middlesex DA; Anti-Establishment Republicans; Marty Challengers

“Jennifer” asks via email: Do you have some updated thoughts to the DA’s race in Middlesex and is it still in your opinion..”…perhaps the single […]

City Life

Fisher Can Only Hurt Baker If Baker Lets Him

Via email, “Steve” asks: Is the prospect of running against Mark Fisher in the primary and facing him in debates good or bad for Charlie […]

City Life

How the Insiders See Outside Events Shaping the Race for Governor

Steve Grossman has run the best campaign so far—but the race for governor will be shaped by forces largely beyond any candidate’s control. That’s the […]

City Life

Sure, Massachusetts Looks Solid Blue From the Outside

The two most prestigious prognosticators in the business, Charlie Cook and Stuart Rothenberg, both have the 2014 Massachusetts governor’s race rated as “Likely Democratic.” A […]