
City Life

The Interview: Biotech Leader and Alnylam CEO Yvonne Greenstreet

Wondering what Boston’s next miracle drug is going to be? There’s a good chance Yvonne Greenstreet will someday soon have the answer. As the CEO […]

City Life

COVID Diary: Finding Solace in the Little Things

By July 2020, COVID-19 was already entrenched in Massachusetts. It dominated the airwaves and the newspapers. And for most of us, it dominated our lives. […]

City Life

Please Don’t Put a Mask in the Boston Time Capsule

I’m a sucker for time capsules. How can you not be? Burying a treasure chest underground, filled with whatever you so choose, to be unearthed […]

City Life

Massachusetts Mask and Vax Mandates: A (Temporarily Accurate) Guide

It’s been a dizzying few months in Massachusetts when it comes to rules on masks and vaccines in this stage of the pandemic. Mandates have […]

City Life

What to Do If You Test Positive for COVID in Boston

We may not be in the early days of the pandemic anymore, but suddenly, a lot of people are confronting the question of just what to […]

City Life

What Those Boston COVID Sewage Studies Can Tell Us about…Us

The arrival of the new Omicron variant has shown us, once again, how quickly things can take a turn for a worse in a pandemic. […]

City Life

Where Can You Get a Rapid COVID Test in Boston Right Now?

When it comes to rapid at-home COVID tests in Boston, the situation has gotten pretty dire, pretty quickly. Just a few short days ago, at […]

City Life

Grayer, but Stronger

Recently, I looked through some photos of myself from late 2019, and I couldn’t help but notice that the Lisa in those pictures looked…a lot […]

City Life

Moderna’s Success Put Some New Local Names on Forbes’ List of the Richest Americans

Moderna, the vaccine-maker and pride of Cambridge, made it big these past two years by putting its mRNA technology to use making COVID-19 vaccines—producing some […]

City Life

Ever Lost a Million Dollars in 24 Hours? With VaxMillions, Now You Can

VaxMillions is a great idea. Like all great ideas, it’s simple: Get vaccinated, and get the chance to win one million dollars. Try to sweet […]

City Life

Living in Boston’s Summer of Euphoria—with a Dash of Dread

This summer has been like no other. Boston’s low case counts and high vaccination rate, the reopening of bars and nightclubs, and relief from the […]

Arts & Entertainment

Bars, Breweries, Night Clubs, Saunas, Ball Pits: How to Make the Most of Reopening Weekend

What will you do with your first day in post-COVID-restriction Boston? On May 29, the last of the city’s pandemic-era rules will expire, and all […]

City Life

Why You Can’t Get an Uber or Lyft in Boston Right Now

Remember when you could call an Uber or Lyft from anywhere in Boston, and be all but assured a car would show up in a […]

City Life

Give Yourself the Gift of Not Caring at All Whether People Wear Masks Outdoors

After months and months of research into methods of transmission for the coronavirus, there remain some mysteries about how it gets passed from person to […]

Arts & Entertainment

Movie Theaters Are Reopening in Boston. Here’s What You Need to Know

Movie nights on the couch no longer cutting it? Has the novelty of watching big Hollywood releases on the small screen—as many of the big […]