Deval Patrick

City Life

What Happened at the Interfaith Vigil at Cathedral of the Holy Cross

Update 12:03 p.m.: President Barack Obama steps to the podium, citing scripture: “Run with endurance, the race that is set before us,” he says. “On […]

City Life

Therese Murray Takes Jabs At Deval Patrick’s Transportation Plan

The back and forth between legislative leaders and Governor Deval Patrick, over the best long-term transportation funding solution for the state, continues after Senate President […]

City Life

Governor Patrick Warns Residents About Boston-Based Reality Shows

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick held a media advisory on St. Patrick’s Day to warn residents about two recent “disasters” in the state—but they weren’t storm […]

City Life

Deval Patrick Thinks ‘Lincoln’ Is Going to Kill It at the Oscars

Deval Patrick Thinks ‘Lincoln’ Is Going to Kill It at the Oscars. The governor’s office shared his predictions in six categories, five of which are […]

City Life

Why a Candy Tax Is No Longer Unthinkable in Massachusetts

Photo by Jill Robidoux on Flickr There was a time in Massachusetts when the governor would have been far less likely to propose a tax […]

City Life

How Patrick's Tax Plan Hits the Rich Harder

The new tax proposal Gov. Deval Patrick revealed in Wednesday’s State of the State speech had an obvious strategy behind it: making the tax code […]

City Life

Where Deval and Barney Differ: Military Cuts

Barney Frank might be a liberal’s dream, so why does Gov. Deval Patrick seem so lukewarm on the idea of appointing him as the state’s […]

City Life

Pay Sales Tax on Amazon, Fund Your Train Rides

There’s bad news brewing for all you cyber shoppers out there: Governor Deval Patrick is pushing to begin collecting sales tax in Massachusetts. But […]

City Life

Our Highway Safety Chief Has A Horrible Driving Record

In Sheila Burgess, Massachusetts had a state highway safety chief so obviously unqualified for her job that it took only a day after publication of […]

City Life

Who Will Replace John Kerry?

I pick you, random audience member, to replace me! (Photo via Wikimedia/Stlphotog) In 2008, Massachusetts had one of the most impressive collection of political leaders […]

City Life

Deval's Dinner At the White House Must Mean Something!

News that Deval and Diane Patrick are headed to the White House this evening for dinner with Barack and Michelle has sent the world of […]

governor deval patrick parole board
City Life

Time for a Change

The governor has to reform his parole board—now.

City Life

How'd Deval Patrick Do at the DNC?

Image via YouTube Gov. Deval Patrick looked to make a national name for himself speaking to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte Tuesday night, and […]

City Life

What to Expect from Deval Patrick at the DNC

Deval Patrick speaks at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Photo by Qqqqqq via Wikimedia Commons. Just as it did during last week’s Republican National Convention, […]

City Life

The Best Boston Book You’ll Buy This Year

It’s a well-worn cliche that Boston is a literary city, but that doesn’t make it any less true, considering the number of authoritative authors have […]