Drink This Now

I Predict a Riot, a new lager produced by Trillium at Notch Brewing

Drink This Now: A Trillium Lager Brewed at Notch

Trillium Brewing Co. is best known—and best loved—for its aromatic, opaque, American pale ales. They also make a mean stout, stellar sours—and lagers? The first […]

The bar at La Bodega

Drink This Now: Cellared Wines (and More) at La Bodega

It was a very tarnished glimmer of silver at the time, but a silver lining nonetheless. Because their Cambridge restaurant, Salts, closed so unexpectedly in […]


Bar Mezzana Has an Avocado Toast-Inspired Cocktail

After all the cookies, eggnog, roasted meats, and rich sides that tend to accompany the winter holidays, many among us will think about lightening things […]


Seven Dark Beer Releases Around Boston for the Winter Solstice

As the days get darker, the beers we crave tend to, as well, for nothing warms the soul quite like a roasty, toasty, boozy stout […]

Weird Beard and Brew By Numbers are two U.K. craft breweries featured in British Beer Company's new Fab Four program

British Beer Company Ups its U.K. Craft Beer Game

When Shane Egan overheard someone order a New England-style IPA at a pub in Scotland earlier this fall, he about fell off his barstool. “It […]

Row 34 launches a "Bookshelf Beer" series with a magnum bottle of Tommie Sjef Wild Ales

Row 34 Debuts a New Rare Beer Release Series

Stocking the cellar with limited-release beers is a fun hobby for many a beer fan, but the envy-induced Instagram likes that might result from the […]

Boston breweries GABF winners 2017

Two Boston Breweries Won Medals at the 2017 Great American Beer Fest

This past weekend, while Bostonians were enjoying the unseasonably warm weather (and maybe an Eventide lobster roll), two of the area’s best-known breweries were adding […]

Mystic releases Union Square Donuts Boston Cream Stout at its Chelsea brewery this weekend

Mystic Has Experimental Beer in the Can

While you probably know Mystic Brewery best for its corked-and-caged bottles of Belgian-style ales and saisons, the six-year-old Chelsea company always had canned beer in […]

Berkshire Smoke and Peat Bourbon Whiskey

Drink This Now: Berkshire Smoke and Peat Bourbon

Rain showers are forecasted in Boston to usher in the first couple days of autumn—and that’s a perfect reason to add a new bottle of […]


Drink This Now: Backlash Beer Stomping Grounds Series

UPDATE, Tuesday, October 3, 9 a.m.: Backlash will debut its retail counter with a brewery-only can release on Friday, October 6, at 4 p.m. The team […]


Drink This Now: Down Undah Pale Ale at Cheeky Monkey Brewing

Fresh, unfiltered beer is the new tequila—at least, in a certain venue on Lansdowne Street it is. Cheeky Monkey Brewing Co. opened this week in […]

Todd Maul's signature cocktails

Todd Maul’s Clarified, Centrifuged Cocktails Pop Up Every Week in Somerville

Any cocktail fans out there who are missing the scientifically perfected drinks of bartender Todd Maul, or craving a piping plate of chiles rellenos… or […]

Blüten will be available at Idle Hands brewery in Malden, and limited other accounts in the Boston area

Drink This Now: Blüten, by Brato Brewhouse + Idle Hands

UPDATE, July 25, 4:30 p.m.: Lord Hobo has tapped a keg of Blüten, and Brato chef Jonathan Gilman is sending out a snack to anybody […]


Drink This Now: Catie’s Cooler, at Oak Long Bar at the Fairmont Copley

Catie Copley, a longtime greeter at the Fairmont Copley Plaza, didn’t drink—she was a dog, after all. But when she wasn’t welcoming guests right at […]


Sips of Summer: What to Drink Around Boston Right Now

What to drink right now.