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Rush should wary of providing a good hook for the liberal media to rehash some of the juicier details of his own rather colorful and value-free past
Rush should wary of providing a good hook for the liberal media to rehash some of the juicier details of his own rather colorful and value-free past
Rush should wary of providing a good hook for the liberal media to rehash some of the juicier details of his own rather colorful and value-free past
imagine a different scenario and throw in a Black Swan. A Black Swan is something that has a very significant effect, and is both rare and unforeseen, but it all makes perfect sense in hindsight. Say for instance, things in Greece come unglued.
He began it all by using what Republican candidates have come to view as a four-letter word. Fair. Joe said things should be fair.
He began it all by using what Republican candidates have come to view as a four-letter word. Fair. Joe said things should be fair.
He began it all by using what Republican candidates have come to view as a four-letter word. Fair. Joe said things should be fair.
Yes sir Rick, making sure economically disadvantaged women can have access to family planning services if they want, is almost exactly like a massive violent upheaval and chopping the heads off of rich Aristocrats.
Yes sir Rick, making sure economically disadvantaged women can have access to family planning services if they want, is almost exactly like a massive violent upheaval and chopping the heads off of rich Aristocrats.
Yes sir Rick, making sure economically disadvantaged women can have access to family planning services if they want, is almost exactly like a massive violent upheaval and chopping the heads off of rich Aristocrats.
Mr. Brady and all those other Superbowl athletes and announcers and technicians, worked on the Sabbath. And the bible makes the penalty for working on the Sabbath pretty clear. Transgressors should be put to death.
In some areas, liberals are clearly more crazy than your traditionally nutzoid, far-right, wing-nuts. According to Gallup while 25 percent of conservatives believe that the spirits of the dead can come back to haunt us, a whopping 42 percent of liberals said that they believed in Haints.
I think those people who cover the Florida fracas and beyond might want to take a lesson from the people who flock to see the watermelon-smashing comic Gallagher perform.
I think those people who cover the Florida fracas and beyond might want to take a lesson from the people who flock to see the watermelon-smashing comic Gallagher perform.
I think those people who cover the Florida fracas and beyond might want to take a lesson from the people who flock to see the watermelon-smashing comic Gallagher perform.