
Christmas present

How to Be Kinder to Yourself During the Holidays

Holiday Smart, Not Hard December should be merry for everyone—you included. The Problem: You’ve invited your SO’s family over for Hanukkah dinner, but your work […]


Six Meditation Classes in Boston to Stay Grounded This Month

Contrary to popular belief, meditation can look extremely different for different people. At it’s core, whether you’re chanting on a pillow or walking through the […]

Woman lifting weight

Advice from a Fit Friend: Weights, Plant-Based Diets, and Birth Control

This week came and went about as fast and furiously as the flurries we saw on Monday and Tuesday. Would you agree? If not, I […]


Nine Stress-Relieving Gifts to Give This Year

As if our day-to-day lives weren’t stressful enough, there’s nothing like the holidays to make everyone a little extra stressed out and anxious. Many of […]


Jameela Jamil Stopped by the State House for Eating Disorder Prevention Day

Nearly 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the United States and approximately every 62 minutes someone dies […]


Your Top 5 Body Sculpting Questions, Answered

 Non-invasive body-sculpting treatments are on the rise, proving a popular alternative to expensive surgical treatments like liposuction. According to research company GlobalData, the industry […]

Presented by: CryoHub

The Best House Plants to Boost Your Mood This Winter

Succulents and indoor house plants may seem extra trendy right now, but these plants have more benefits than simply looking nice. House plants actually have […]


Seven Crystals to Have in Your Home, and Where to Get Them in Boston

From birthstones, to amulets, to the rocks some women wear on their left hand—crystals play a large role in our society, whether you want to […]


Three Alternative Ways to Practice Self Care this Fall

You need a break. Between juggling back to school season stress and gearing up for the holidays, it’s easy to let your own mental and […]

Presented by: G2O Spa + Salon

10 Eco-Friendly and Organic Menstrual Products to Try

When it comes to health, there tends to be a specific focus on what we put in and on our body—from the food and drinks […]

winter skincare routine

Ask the Expert: How Do I Take Better Care of My Skin in the Winter?

The change in seasons is a time of transition. For New Englanders who get to experience the beauty of all four seasons (some a little longer […]

National Period Day

On National Period Day, Boston Activists Are Rallying for Change

I’m sure, like most women, I will never forget the moment I got my first period. Confusion and embarrassment mounted as I geared up to […]


How the EEE Virus Is Affecting Trick-or-Treaters This Year Near Boston

After this week’s thriller of a storm, fall is certainly here. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean mosquitoes have quieted their activity. Until the first hard frost of […]


Eight Boston-Based Food Bloggers to Follow on Instagram

Whether it’s apps, YouTube, or books, there are endless possibilities for finding healthy lifestyle inspiration. But among all of these, Instagram still reigns supreme. Not […]


Why One Woman Ran a Boston 10k Dressed as a Tampon

The average American woman will use more than 12,000 tampons in her life and spend approximately $11,000 on feminine hygiene products alone. In cities across the […]