Mayor Marty Walsh

City Life

Cat Masks, “Dumb Money,” and Chicken Tenders in Champagne

It was an everyone-who’s-anyone sort of affair when bestseller machine Ben Mezrich and his wife, Tonya (Boston magazine’s style editor), hosted a VIP premiere of […]

City Life

Just What Is Marty Walsh up to, Anyway?

The Seaport Hotel, attached to the World Trade Center, feels like an anchor to an older Boston amid the dizzying swirl of change along the […]

City Life

A Dream Deferred

On primary day in Boston, I thought I’d outsmart the crowds. I waited until early afternoon before walking the few short blocks to my Ward […]

City Life

Another Summer of Fireworks Hell Is Coming to Boston…Or Is It?

Like more or less everyone in Massachusetts, I’ve been known to appreciate some good illegal fireworks every now and then. Nothing beats blasting off a […]

City Life

“Big Deal Outta Nothin'”: Doughboy Donuts Doesn’t Care about Marty Walsh’s Big Shoutout

Very little of note went down at Marty Walsh’s confirmation hearing on Thursday. By most accounts, his path to joining the Biden White House as […]

City Life

Count Them Out: Here’s Who Isn’t Running for Mayor of Boston

In a profession that too often lends itself to canned statements and obfuscation, especially when it comes to elections, the candor and wry honesty of […]

light bulb and stacks of change
City Life

Check Your Mail: The City Is Pulling a Switcheroo on Your Electricity Provider

Imagine if the City of Boston negotiated a deal with T-Mobile on behalf of all residents and businesses. And instead of offering it as an […]

City Life

Get to Know Kim Janey, the Next Mayor of Boston

Fellow Bostonians, meet your new mayor. Kim Janey, Boston’s City Council president, is set to assume the corner office at City Hall on an interim […]

City Life

Will Boston’s Next Mayor Be a Woman of Color?

A Black woman in a brightly colored floral-pattern dress stands on a front stoop and looks you right in the eyes through the camera. “Who’s […]

City Life

How to Disrupt the Whiteness of Boston Philanthropy, One Dollar at a Time

Quincy Miller is no stranger to community service. The president of Eastern Bank has given his time and expertise to organizations that help kids become […]

defund police sign boston protest
City Life

Pressure Is Rising to Cut Police Budgets, but the Mayor Isn’t Completely on Board

Never before has the rallying cry to reform policing as we know it been this loud—or this sweeping. Demands for increased use of body cameras, […]

City Life

Mayor Walsh on Sunday Night’s Protest Clash: “We Will Not Be Defeated by This”

As cleanup crews work to scrub away the graffiti and sweep up the shrapnel and broken glass left in the streets of downtown Boston, Mayor […]

City Life

To Get a Haircut, or Not to Get a Haircut?

Some days, it’s hard to keep track of just how long we’ve all been living in these unorthodox and uncomfortable ways. Has it really only […]

Amy Poehler
City Life

Boston Celebs Pop Up to Support the Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund

What do Amy Poehler, Julian Edelman, and Ken Casey have in common? They’ve all fired up their webcams to help with COVID-19 relief—and, mercifully, none […]

City Life

Sorry, Parents: Boston Schools Will Not Reopen on May 4

Apologies in advance to any parents who were clinging to the faintest hope that Boston schools might reopen by May 4, the date an order […]