Tom Menino

City Life

Sorry Harvard (and Everyone Else) Prof. Menino Is Headed to B.U.

After leaving office, Mayor Tom Menino will head to Boston University to direct the school’s new Initiative on Cities, according to multiple reports. WBZ’s Jon Keller […]

City Life

How Marty Walsh Can Carry Mayor Menino’s Torch for Women

In his State of the City address this past January, an ebullient Tom Menino sauntered to the podium while the Kelly Clarkson anthem, “Stronger,” played […]

City Life

Bloomberg or Menino: Who Looked Less Pleased to Greet His Successor?

No one likes ceding power, and Boston’s Mayor Menino and New York’s Mayor Bloomberg are two very big non-exceptions—so much so that people in both […]

City Life

Members of Bus Drivers’ Union Plan Weekend Rally in Wake of Firings

Members of Boston’s school bus drivers’ union are planning to hold a rally on Saturday, asking that officials fired following an impromptu strike in October […]

City Life

Menino Appoints Superintendent William Evans As Interim Police Commissioner

Mayor Tom Menino announced Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis’s replacement on Friday as the city’s top cop prepared to step down from his role after […]

City Life

Environmental League of Massachusetts Has an Intense Vision of Boston After the Next Superstorm

On the one-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, a non-profit environmental group released a series of alarming images showing what Boston landmarks could look like in […]

City Life

Mayor Francis Slay Won’t Take Bet Bait During World Series Matchup

It’s long been a tradition—specifically for Boston—that elected officials in each city and state, whose sports teams are competing for a championship title, place a […]

City Life

Mayor Menino Reflects On His Career During Talk at UMass Lowell

Mayor Tom Menino won’t say much about his plans once he finally retires his title as the top-elected official of the city of Boston, but […]

City Life

A Mayor in Full

It once seemed like Tom Menino would be mayor for life. But earlier this year, after two decades running the city, he surprised everyone by announcing he wouldn’t seek another term. When he steps down in January, he’ll leave a monumental legacy. This month, we explore the mayor’s time in office, from his stalwart support of LGBT rights to the developers who struck it rich on the waterfront. There isn’t one single story of Menino’s Boston, there are hundreds—each bearing his unmistakable thumbprint.

City Life

The Vision Thing

Tom Menino has often been criticized for lacking an overarching vision for Boston. Grand designs? Big thinking? “I think he’d be the first to admit […]

City Life

Thomas M. Menino: A Timeline

December 27, 1942 Thomas Michael Menino is born. 1960 Graduates from St. Thomas Aquinas High School. After taking a few courses at BC, abandons college […]

City Life

Menino’s Greatest Hits…And Misses

HITS 1. Financial Stability Pension liabilities? Not a problem. Debt? Looking good. Budget deficit? Never. Menino has ended 20 straight years with an operating surplus, […]

City Life

The Menino Dialogues

JASON SCHWARTZ When you zoom out to 30,000 feet, Boston is in amazing shape. The city is booming, the population is growing, people want to […]

City Life

Then and Now: Menino’s Boston

We all want to forget the horror, but throughout most of Menino’s administration Boston was under siege by the Big Dig. The project may have […]

City Life

One Boston? … And Justice for All

One Boston? Menino inherited a city reeling from the memory of racial conflict. During Tom Menino’s tenure, Boston became a majority-minority city. Today 53 percent […]