City Life

AriZona Iced Tea and an Argument Against Raising MBTA Fares

I don’t drink it all that often these days, having moved on from most sugary beverages in favor of flavored seltzer. But looking back, I have pretty […]

commuter rail
City Life

The Commuter Rail (Mostly) Triumphed over the Snow Storm

As people pressed their noses to office windows yesterday afternoon, watching the snow come down thick and fast, the familiar dread of a horrible commute […]

The long road ahead: I-93 South at rush hour.
City Life

Boston Has the Worst Traffic in the Country

When you’re sitting in traffic on your morning commute, at least you can comfort yourself knowing that somewhere out there, someone is stuck in an […]

City Life

Regular Service Resumes after “Severe Delays” on MBTA’s Orange, Green, Blue Lines

Service is finally back to normal on the MBTA after an electrical failure hobbled much of the Orange, Green, and Blue lines in downtown Boston, as […]

City Life

The MBTA Was Slammed for the Patriots Victory Parade

  Unlike in 2017, when thousands of Pats fans bundled up and braved the bitter February snow to celebrate the Patriots’ fifth Super Bowl title, […]

City Life

Michelle Wu Wants to Make the MBTA Free

Another fare hike at the MBTA—the fourth since 2012—may be on its way. The plan pitched by T officials would see fares increase by a […]

Tram on the MBTA Ashmont-Mattapan line.
City Life

It’s Official: The MBTA Wants to Replace the Mattapan Trolleys

After years of speculation about the fate of the Mattapan trolleys, beloved for their antique charm, the MBTA has a plan to replace them with Green […]

City Life

The MBTA Is Pitching a 6.3 Percent Fare Hike for 2019

MBTA fare hikes are back on the table in 2019, officials announced on Monday, releasing a proposal that would bump up the cost of taking […]

City Life

Someone Was Pulled from Under the Red Line and Survived

A man trapped beneath a train at Fields Corner Friday morning, bringing the Red Line Ashmont branch to a halt at rush hour, appears to have […]

City Life

Rejoice: The North Station Tunnel Is Finally Here

The North Station pedestrian tunnel linking the subway to the commuter rail has finally opened to the public, a much-anticipated improvement at the stop. MBTA General Manager […]

City Life

The $10 Weekend Commuter Rail Passes Are Coming Back

If you’re one of the thousands of people who made use of those $10 unlimited commuter rail weekend passes last year—which let you ride as […]

City Life

There’s Trouble on the Tracks for the Mattapan Trolley

Its vintage trolley cars are beloved in Boston, but it’s no secret the Mattapan Line isn’t in tip-top shape—amid recharged efforts to shorten the backlog of needed […]

A new Orange Line train headed toward Oak Grove
City Life

A Reminder: Trump Tariffs Could Jack up the Cost of New MBTA Trains

Here’s the thing about tariffs and trade wars: Ultimately, the people who feel the pain are often not the nation’s competitors overseas, but all of us—you and […]

City Life

MBTA General Manager Luis Ramírez Is Stepping Down

Fifteen months into a three-year-contract, and with winter just a week away, MBTA General Manager Luis Ramírez is leaving his post. Ramírez, picked to lead […]

City Life

An Orange Line Conductor Stopped a Rush-Hour Train, Made “Uncommon Remarks”

  The MBTA is investigating after an Orange Line conductor stopped a rush hour train and made “uncommon remarks” to passengers Monday morning. Transit Police […]