Mitt Romney

City Life

Charlie Baker’s (Still) Got Game

Once upon a time, Charlie Baker says—before he was governor, before he was in politics, before he was anything, really—he wanted to be, of all […]

City Life

Meet Mitt Romney’s Secret Online Alter Ego: “Pierre Delecto”

Much like a delectable portion of foie gras seared atop a cast iron pan, Mitt Romney’s goose is cooked. An online sleuth at Slate has discovered that […]

City Life

Watch How Normal Guy Mitt Romney Blows Out Birthday Candles

Mitt Romney, the Utah Senator, former Massachusetts governor, and 100 percent regular guy, celebrated his 72nd birthday on Tuesday. We know this because video of him receiving […]

City Life

What’s Behind Mitt Romney’s Run for Senator in Utah?

Massachusetts’ favorite son is bucking to represent Utah in the U.S. Senate. But what’s he really running for?

City Life

Mitt Romney: “My Favorite Meat Is Hot Dog”

Ever get the craving for hot dog meat? The meat of a regular-style hot dog, served hot? Good news, everyday American voter, so does Mitt Romney! […]

City Life

Mitt Romney Taunted Russell Westbrook at Last Night’s Jazz-Thunder Game

Mitt Romney, dressed in an oversized, personalized basketball jersey draped over a pressed dressed shirt, was very excited to be at last night’s Utah Jazz […]

Mitt Romney
City Life

Mitt Romney: “DACA Kids Shouldn’t All Be Allowed to Stay in the Country Legally”

Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who’s running for U.S. Senate in Utah, wants to out-Trump the president when it comes to the nation’s young […]

City Life

Mitt Romney and Donald Trump Are Cool Now

The long-running feud between Mitt Romney and Donald Trump has apparently run its course. Amazing, isn’t it, how quickly a friendship can repair itself when […]

Mitt Romney
City Life

Mitt Romney Has Officially Announced He’s Running for Senate in Utah

The cat has been out of the bag for a while, but now it’s official: Mitt Romney is running for Senate in Utah, where he’s a […]

Mitt Romney
City Life

Mitt Romney Offered a Clue He’s Running for Senate in Utah on Twitter

Now that Orrin Hatch has announced he won’t seek reelection this year, the time is nigh for us to learn if Mitt Romney will follow through […]

Former Gov. Deval Patrick speaks at a lecturn
City Life

Deval Patrick to Campaign for Doug Jones in Alabama

Massachusetts is getting awfully involved in the Alabama Senate race. Next week’s special election between Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones is certainly the […]

Mitt Romney
City Life

Bannon: Mitt Romney “Hid Behind [His] Religion” to Stay out of the Vietnam War

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has drawn the ire of Steve Bannon. At a campaign event for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused […]

City Life

Mitt Romney Still Thinks Roy Moore Is Bad

Sometimes when the bar is set extraordinarily low, you can just step right over it. Such is the case with Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts […]

Mitt Romney stands next to a Christmas tree forwning
City Life

Donald Trump Does Not Like the Sound of Senator Mitt Romney

Neither time nor gourmet frog legs heal old wounds, if your name is Donald Trump. Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who has a far-from-loving relationship with […]

City Life

Mitt Romney Could Be Utah’s Next Senator

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney may soon be trying a new title on for size: junior senator. According to the Atlantic, Sen. Orrin Hatch, who has […]