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Want to be notable enough to have a Wikipedia entry written about you someday (without doing something infamous to merit it)? If you were born […]
Boston has the dubious honor of being near the bottom of a new ranking: that of how much real estate $1,000,000 will buy you. The […]
Decades of national news have reinforced in each of us the maxim that one man’s snow flurry is another man’s natural disaster. We New Englanders […]
Surf the internet, and you’ll find Americans ranking cities and states based on any and all criteria—best state to own a pet, most porn-obsessed state, […]
There are a ton of rankings out there, and the Boston area and the state of Massachusetts (and its neighbors to the north, most notably, […]
Between 1993 and 2003, the number of visits to emergency departments increased 26 percent (90.3 million to 113.9 million), yet during that same time period, […]
Sorry Paleo radicals, animal lovers, and Kim Kardashian wannabes: Your diets are not up to par. On Monday, U.S. News and World Report released its annual […]
The data crunchers at Facebook are winding down 2013 and looking back at the most shared—or as they say “talked about”—stories of 2013, and Boston […]
Online condom store Condomania.com has used their rather unique data set to compile a ranking of average condom size (and by implication, average penis size) by […]
Forbes has released its annual list of the 400 richest Americans and surprise, surprise, the six wealthiest people in Massachusetts are … mostly the same […]
Two separate university rankings that came out Tuesday have differing reports on where two Massachusetts universities fall on the list. In the coveted U.S. News & […]
If there’s a “healthy city” ranking that doesn’t include Boston, we’d love to see it. Because it doesn’t exist. Outside magazine took the American College of Sports Medicine’s […]
The annual and prestigious Princeton Review came out this week and nearly every college in the nation was clambering—so much so that the Review’s website […]
Because Boston is a city of world-class hospitals and healthcare, it comes as no surprise that some of our area universities were on Greatist’s “25 […]
For the second year in a row, Boston has two hospitals ranked in the top 10 on U.S. News and World Report’s annual rankings of the best hospitals. […]